We are a Full Service Printing & Publishing

“Working your way through Google or Yahoo, to find a print service or publisher that will look after you can be daunting.”

You have a story, enough for a book, a family biography or children’s book, where do you go to get it printed and published?

So what do you do? Where do you go, PostScript Printing have been printing and publishing books since 2002, managing print and helping clients produce their publications. A Melbourne based service, providing digital print, offset print, and publishing including self publishing books.

Where do you go? You call PostScript for a quote

Professional Book Printing for Self Published Books and Publications

PostScript Printing & Publishing is based in Melbourne, and manages the production and delivery of a range of self published books and publications such as Children’s Books, Christian Books, Cook Books, Coffee Table Books, School Year books, manuscripts and Self Help Books for Self Publishing Authors.

As an independent business with over thirty years’ experience, PostScript Printing & Publishing is a specialist when producing professional publications at an affordable price. No matter the quantity, we create and deliver books that will both showcase your creative labours whilst exceeding your expectations.

With many clients; some who are first time authors; having limited experience and resources, wanting to control their costs our initial communication enables us to understand your specific needs. We then provide tailored book publishing knowledge, cost effective strategies and personalised attention for each project.

PostScript Printing & Publishing are experts at making great publications and books, incorporating cost effective variations specifically tailored to showcase your publication to its targeted market. Regardless of the genre, PostScript’s formula for success helps you the self publisher with your book design, layout, illustrations, paper and binding.

Your first book should not be limited by price or quantity, it’s your idea coming to fruition, with planning and modern technology. PostScript Printing & Publishing believe that your book deserves to be presented in its individual form, look and feel, worthy of their contents, but at a cost that is affordable. Whether you are producing a regal Coffee Table book or your autobiography.

Don’t let the fear of the unknown prevent you from becoming the author of your future!

Get a free quote give us a call on 0402 120 038 or email [email protected]

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We are happy to provide a personalized consultation followed by comprehensive no obligation pricing on all projects.